Eat Dirt by Dr. Josh Axe
This book is well written, well organized, and has surveys to help you detect your pathway to better health. The underlying concept of Eat Dirt is that our immune systems are compromised due to our life styles of eating processed…
Book Review: Nourishing Traditions
Fallon, Sally & Enig, Mary, Nourishing Traditions, 2001. Why Do I like this book? Firstly, it’s a cookbook and I would tend to like it for that alone. However, it doesn’t have glossy pictures, so it had to…
Nutrition 3rd Stop: Sugar – What’s All the Fuss?
Growing up, there did not seem to be so much talk about sugar and well, actually food in general, but now everywhere you turn there is talk about sugar. The high corn syrup scare of 2009 set everyone off on…
What is Affecting Our Children? First Stop: Nutrition.
In our original post, we talked about what is affecting our children’s learning and living and realized it really involves what we eat, how we live and the choices we make. So for digestible purposes (yes, pun intended), I have…
Our Children: Differences in Learning
What May be Affecting Our Children & What Can We Do?
Is it an epidemic? Why do so many children need additional support in the classroom and in their lives? Are we exposing our children to things that are causing their brains to function in a manner that is insufficient for our societal needs and expectations?
In talking with parents, I have noted an increasing number of children involved in therapies, assessments and/or diagnoses.
On the one hand, we could say that our ever-increasing ability to diagnose, analyze and assess, combined with our informed expectations around education, makes for more occurrences of parents seeking help for their children….
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