Show Horse or Work Horse?
“JFK is a show horse and I’m a work horse,” says actor Woody Harrelson in the LBJ movie and this statement slams into me. BAM. I know what I want to write about – finally. It’s been awhile since I’ve…

The Making of Adults
“I spent over 2 hours on the phone,” Greg says to me a few weeks ago, “and the colleges don’t do interviews.” “What do you mean they don’t do interviews? Don’t, as in never?” I respond skeptically. “Never.” “How can…

13 Reasons Why Teens Suck: But We Love Them Anyway!
Teenagers know everything “I know Mom. I know!” is a chorus every parent of a teen can relate to as we hear it over and over again. Our teens know – everything! They are omniscient. They have lived every aspect…

Mothers are Shapeshifters
“You’re unhappy because you need to reinvent yourself now that your children are all in college,” I say to a client the other morning, “You need to shift your life to accommodate these most recent changes.” I take a breath…

Baby Steps
“You don’t need to make every life decision right now. Careers happen in tiny increments,” I say to a client the other night. I can feel her anxiety, so I continue, “Take it slowly. You have time.” I’m advising a…

Circle Driving
“What did you do this weekend?” I hear from my friend Joyce as I start my workout the other morning. My mind goes blank. What did I do this weekend? I can’t remember. It’s only been a day. What is…

Responsibility Reservoir
Here in the Law & Order section, we talked about the treasure trove of trust or 3T’s and there is a complimentary component, namely the ‘responsibility reservoir’. The trust aspect involves your child’s ability to tell the truth, even if…
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