Meet the Men in the Head ™
Meet the Men in the Head ™. Each character is full of fun and will delight you with their antics and abilities. Look for a story about each character. Also, there will be a new page that will…

Responsibility Reservoir
Here in the Law & Order section, we talked about the treasure trove of trust or 3T’s and there is a complimentary component, namely the ‘responsibility reservoir’. The trust aspect involves your child’s ability to tell the truth, even if…

The Making of Peacemakers
The following quote by the Dalai Lama is one of my favorites: “The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds.” If you, like me, believe this…

Importance of Old Games
Growing up, we never thought about how the games we played were helping with our development, we just had fun and played. As we see our children eschewing less technical games favoring video games and the like, it makes me…

Hearts Rattling Around Our Ankles
When our children are born, pieces of our hearts move to the outside of our bodies to live forever. Our mothers, friends, grandmothers may have told us this before we had children and we probably nodded and smiled. We perhaps…

What is Affecting Our Children? First Stop: Nutrition.
In our original post, we talked about what is affecting our children’s learning and living and realized it really involves what we eat, how we live and the choices we make. So for digestible purposes (yes, pun intended), I have…
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