Meet the Men in the Head ™. Each character is full of fun and will delight you with their antics and abilities. Look for a story about each character. Also, there will be a new page that will…

Let’s celebrate. The vernal equinox recognizes the equal portions of day and night and kicks off the season of spring in the northern hemisphere. Our days will get longer and the sunshine stronger. Birds will be singing, grass will start…

I went to a great book discussion at my son’s school last week that turned out to be not such a discussion as a lecture on how as a whole, we as parents, are paying infinitely more attention to…

Happy Chinese New Year! Welcome, welcome Green Wood Horse. It’s time for movement, independence, freedom and tapping into your intuition. This year will be very different than last year. 2013, Year of the Water Snake, was all about secrets, silence,…

Many people have come to me and asked me how I meditate. They say they are frustrated in their attempts to meditate and just cannot do it. It’s a shame, really, as we unfortunately attempt the most difficult type of…
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