“Do you think he will be there?” one of my daughter’s friends asks her. “I don’t know, but maybe,” my daughter, Katy, answers to many giggles. (I am driving 7 girls to the mall as part of Katy’s…

“Mom, can you make the chicken with the sauce, again? I love it!” “The enchiladas are awesome. When are we having them again?” “The milk is all gone. When are we getting more?” “These carrots are fantastic, where did you…

(Recent writing contest submission I want to share…Kathy, this is for you, xoxo) I am standing among a group of women, all mothers, and am feeling dazed and a bit out of it. I have recently joined their club as…

“Champions are made when no one is watching.” – Unknown “Dad, we didn’t pick up our medals. Can we go get them?” my son asks my husband the other week on the ski mountain. “Sure,” my husband answers, with a…

“The glass may be half empty to you, but to me it’s always full.” – Rachel Thomas I met Rachel Marie Thomas when filming the TV show with Roberta Chadis. After the shoot as she had information about my…

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects more than 11% of the child population and 4% of the adult population. It is a growing diagnosis that affects people in different ways, mainly in the ability to remain attentive, to regulate control…
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