Evolutionary Astrology


“Be unapologetically yourself. You embody authenticity. You espouse living an authentic life. You need to drop any façade and do it in your career as well. If I have learned anything over the years, it is to be UNAPOLOGETICALLY exactly who I am,” my friend and mentor, Christine, says to me the other week.

These words have GRAND impact on me and launch me into a six-week (and counting) tectonic plate-shifting trajectory redefining my life’s work.

Hmm…who thought a few words at lunch would create such shock waves?

I sought Christine as she is a brilliant businesswoman who tells it to me straight. I need this as I am dithering about how to define and direct what I do.

I have two companies that can actually be categorized as three:

  • I have a business consulting firm named Sea Change Enterprises, Inc. that I started with Greg 12 years ago. I provide strategic and leadership advice to corporations.
  • I have another consulting organization named Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation I started when the kids were babies and shelved to immerse myself in Sea Change.
  • I launched Men in the Head® as a division of Kaleidoscope a few years ago to write books and create tools on the brain body connection for children, parents, educators, and therapists.

I have been straddling between advisory business services and writing children’s books. On one hand, I see clients and perform business services ranging from redefining business models to financial pro forma analysis to leadership coaching.

On the other, I write and illustrate children’s books, I write for the blog, and I define programs and create tools.

I love each for what they are and yet, what is the stitching between them? What is the underlying energy? What is the core passion?

I have been asking myself these questions for quite awhile. It is the momentum behind the ‘Just for You’ series on this website.

So, who am I and what do I want to do with my life? (Yes, while others are going to the beach and basking in this beautiful summer, I am grappling with this light topic!)

Who am I?

I am a visionary. I am a creator, a messenger, and a connector. I am a truth-teller, a collaborator, and a liberator.

What do I want to do with my life?

I want to do all of these things and more.

So, how do I define this? I have a business model that outlines a 3 – 5 year plan. (Yes, as a business strategist, of course I do). But in a few words or phrases, what is it that I do?

Well, here goes.

I am a transformational consultant. I help you invent or reinvent yourself. I help you define your passion, find your joy, and realize your bliss. I help you transform your work, your relationships, and your life.

How do I do this? By defining the pathway, simplifying complex information, connecting with people and resources, and what else?

This has been the stumper. To actually help you transform your life, I need to get to your root issues. How to do this?

Coming on the heels of Christine’s words, I meet with Grace Humphrey who tells me about her Astrological Storytelling class. I love serendipity.

In taking her class (highly recommend it), a great awakening occurs deep within my soul. Evolutionary astrology provides the tools to determine your soul’s desire.

What? Where has this been all of my life?

My mind races from astrology to my business model. It fits perfectly. I can use evolutionary astrology to pinpoint your soul’s desire and then utilize my insight, connections and consulting abilities to help you on your transformational path.

Hmm…only one problem, well perhaps a few:

  1. I don’t know astrology to the level required to do this.
  2. I am currently immersed in the Men in the Head® products and tools.

However, serendipity occurs again. Grace tells me about an Evolutionary Astrologer, Steven Forrest. He is publisher author, teacher and mentor. He leads groups through the necessary astrological teachings. He is brilliant.

Now, I will be studying and learning astrology to the level required to become an Evolutionary Astrologer while I continue to write the parent guide and children’s books for Men in the Head ®.

I will also be practicing – a lot! So anyone who wants to get in touch with me to read his/her natal chart, just let me know. I need a few months to learn enough to begin to do this and then I need the time and place of your birth.

This is all very new. For those who know me well, you know I have been living with astrology all of my life. For those of you who do not, surprise!

I am going to lunch with Christine next week. I have not spoken with her since the beginning of June. It will be interesting to see her reaction! One thing is true. This is me being unapologetically myself.

It feels a little scary, but mostly, it feels invigorating.

Stay tuned. 🙂