The Kindle edition is available!
“The first step for creating calm is the magic bullet, the golden nugget or the Holy Grail.” To check out the first step, click on-> all about calm – kindle

Balanced and Barefoot
There’s a newer book on children and outdoor play titled, Balanced and Barefoot, by Angela Hanscom dated April, 2016. It follows the same fundamental thesis of the national bestseller, Last Child in the Woods, by Richard Louv in 2008. The…

We are the same
“The country has never been more divided.” “Everything is partisan.” “The divide is too wide. The divisiveness too great. The opinions too engrained.” This is not a political post. It’s a reminder. It’s reminder that we are the same. We…

all about calm book is here!
Do you feel stressed? Do you want more calm in your life? Do you need quick and easy solutions to create a more peaceful life? If you answer yes to any of these questions, this book is for you….

13 Reasons Why Teens Suck: But We Love Them Anyway!
Teenagers know everything “I know Mom. I know!” is a chorus every parent of a teen can relate to as we hear it over and over again. Our teens know – everything! They are omniscient. They have lived every aspect…

Mothers are Shapeshifters
“You’re unhappy because you need to reinvent yourself now that your children are all in college,” I say to a client the other morning, “You need to shift your life to accommodate these most recent changes.” I take a breath…
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