Why Men in the Head™?
Men in the Head™ is a term I came up with when my son was around 5 years old and my daughter was 3 years old. My son was working with an occupational, physical and speech therapist every week as…

Treasure Trove of Trust (3T’s)
As a child grows, there is the expectation and requirement for him or her to gain more and more independence. Obviously. This sounds normal and good, right? It sounds so reasonable and easy. Well, once a child is around 7…

Giving Your Child(ren) an Allowance
We have been giving our children an allowance for years. We started at $5.00 per week and have since increased it to $10.00 per week. (The children are now 9 & 11 years old.) We started giving the children an…

Benefits of Boredom
It’s the end of summer, the camps are done, the days are getting noticeably shorter, and school is just around the corner. For my children, the complaints of ‘I am so bored’ have begun. Of course, my response is; ‘That’s…

Our Children: Differences in Learning
What May be Affecting Our Children & What Can We Do?
Is it an epidemic? Why do so many children need additional support in the classroom and in their lives? Are we exposing our children to things that are causing their brains to function in a manner that is insufficient for our societal needs and expectations?
In talking with parents, I have noted an increasing number of children involved in therapies, assessments and/or diagnoses.
On the one hand, we could say that our ever-increasing ability to diagnose, analyze and assess, combined with our informed expectations around education, makes for more occurrences of parents seeking help for their children….
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