I look into my wallet and it is empty – again. I think back over the past two weeks and cannot remember doing anything for myself that required cash. Then I realize – it’s the kids. I look at…

Explosive Child
“ I need help with my 12 year-old son and I need help growing my business. Can you help me with both of these issues?” a client asks me several weeks ago. Yes. This is the perfect marriage of…

Technology: Is It Serving Us or Are We Serving It?
I went to a great book discussion at my son’s school last week that turned out to be not such a discussion as a lecture on how as a whole, we as parents, are paying infinitely more attention to…

Responsibility Reservoir
Here in the Law & Order section, we talked about the treasure trove of trust or 3T’s and there is a complimentary component, namely the ‘responsibility reservoir’. The trust aspect involves your child’s ability to tell the truth, even if…

Treasure Trove of Trust (3T’s)
As a child grows, there is the expectation and requirement for him or her to gain more and more independence. Obviously. This sounds normal and good, right? It sounds so reasonable and easy. Well, once a child is around 7…
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